Self-assurance according to ASQA

We can help meet your clients’ needs with 5 systems tailor-made to your Registered Training Organisation

Self-assurance tailored to meet your needs

RTO Compliance consultants, RTO Compliance , ASQA standards compliance, ASQA self-assurance, RTO Compliance officer, RTO compliance systems, RTO compliance management, RTO compliance management systems, RTO consulting services, ASAQ consultants, ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) consultants, VET (Vocational Education and Training) compliance support, RTO registration process, RTO audit assistance, Training package compliance, RTO accreditation consultants, VET sector compliance, RTO quality assurance

ASQA has stated that self-assurance refers to how providers manage their operations to ensure a focus on quality, continuous improvement and ongoing compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (the Standards).  It involves providers having systems in place to critically examine their performance against the Standards and training outcomes, on an ongoing basis, to meet obligations and to identify ways to continuously improve outcomes. 

To assist RTOs in implementing effective self-assurance systems, ASQA developed a working model for self-assurance.  We analysed the model, and after having looked after the compliance requirements for many RTOs over the past eight years we believe there are just five quality systems every  RTO needs in the following areas to align themselves with ASQA’s working model for self-assurance:  


Industry Currency and VET PD

Industry Consultation

Student Engagement and Support

Continuous Improvement

Resolution Compliance

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What others are saying

Before we engaged Resolution Compliance, we were not confident in the systems and practices we had in place. I remember feeling extremely concerned about not being compliant and feeling that the business was not operating to its maximum potential. Now it’s so comforting to know that the team at Resolution Compliance care about my business as much as I do, and works with us to not just meet the RTO Standards, but exceed them.

Sarah Radi,
Emergency First Aid

We weren't sure whether we had everything necessary to begin marketing to and enrolling International Students. Steve audited our systems, and we now have clear recommendations on how to ready ourselves.

Ross Jorgensen,

In the past we experienced a lot of stress with compliance problems. Since partnering with Resolution Compliance we have confidence that our business is operating as it should be every day. We’re so happy to be working with Steve and his team!

Charles Kim
Charles Institute of Technology


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We look forward to connecting with you.


Not implementing self assurance systems puts your business at risk

Businesses that neglect compliance requirements can find themselves in a world of trouble with ASQA, and unable to conduct normal business operations until the non-compliances are fixed.