Resolution Compliance - Continuous Improvement

An Industry Currency and VET PD system

While the Standards require trainers to continue in industry currency (IC) and VET PD  (Vocational Education and Training Professional Development) activities, they don’t quantify how much is required. It is up to each RTO to do this. Some RTOs quantify these activities through hours spent doing them, others through a points system. However you choose to do this, an effective Industry Currency and VET PD systems requires:

Clear instructions to trainers as to what’s required, e.g., through a yearly plan each trainer develops with you,

A register which monitors each trainer’s progress in each of the two types of areas, e.g., a spreadsheet or a SharePoint list,

A place to keep evidence of the trainers’ activities, e.g. a physical or electronic folder, and

Scheduled reminders to trainers and management that show how the trainers are progressing.

We can provide:

  • An IC and VET PD plan based on each trainer achieving a particular number of points in each area for the calendar year.

  • An IC and VET PD plan tailor-made to each of your trainers which outlines the specific activities they plan to undertake in order to get their IC and VET PD points for the year,

  • Review of the evidence trainers submit of these activities and the assigning of points,

  • Two registers of all your trainers in spreadsheet or SharePoint list format - an IC Register, and VET PD Register,

  • Repositories for IC and VET PD evidence submitted by trainers,

  • Quarterly reminders to each trainer of how they are progressing in both areas,

  • Quarterly summaries of trainers’ progress to RTO Managers.

How it works

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