Resolution Compliance is committed to your RTO compliance needs

If Registered Training Organisations are confident in their self-assurance systems and compliance to the Standards, then they can go out and get business without worrying about being shut down or sanctioned.

At Resolution Compliance, our mission is to enable RTOs to meet their requirements and succeed in the marketplace.

We saw business owners struggling with their compliance

We started with a problem: Registered Training Organisation owners and operators were not confident in interpreting and meeting the requirements enforced by ASQA. Many were fearful of ASQA and unsure of what to do and where to get help.

Resolution exists to provide help to Australian RTOs, of all sizes, to make compliance matters simple so they can have confidence to grow.

Compliance services for Registered Training Organisations in Australia

Meet Steve Scotton

Steve started in the VET sector in 2007 writing training courses for an enterprise Registered Training Organisation. He’s worked across a broad range of roles and industries covering training design, delivery of training and people management.

Steve knows what it takes to deliver training effectively and under business pressures. In 2015 he started Resolution, to focus on compliance management for RTOs.

Steve is based in Launceston, Tasmania with three of his five children.


Our core values

What guides us everyday.


We’re upfront and honest. We won’t scare you with exaggerated claims of perceived risks. If we think your compliance systems are good, we’ll tell you, and won’t attempt to reinvent the wheel.


We produce quality documentation and advice, founded on research into your business, ASQA’s latest publications, the applicable Standards, and the current business climate.


We are for freedom. All of us do best when we are free from stress, and free to pursue our goals. We aim to ensure that freedom is your experience in dealing with us.

Get the help you need today

Give us a call or if you’re in the Launceston, Tasmania area, book a coffee with us today!