Standing out in a TAFE-skewed landscape

Let’s face it - with funding often favouring TAFEs, staying competitive as a private RTO can feel like an uphill battle.  So how can you make your RTO stand out? 

One idea is to highlight your unique value.   

Private RTOs can excel in flexibility, industry specialisation, and responsiveness. Showcase what you do differently – whether it’s niche courses, faster turnaround times for industry needs, or personalised support.   

If you are a smaller RTO, consider how to use your size to your advantage.  Smaller RTOs can often connect with their students on a more personal level.  You may have a track record of excelling in making your students feel more than just a number in the system.   

Do you have stories that illustrate your RTO’s impact? Share examples of how you’ve met students where they are and helped them grow in skills and confidence.  These real, human stories can be powerful tools in your marketing and can set you apart from larger providers.   

What other strategies you have seen private RTOs use to highlight their uniqueness? Let’s exchange ideas and support each other in this challenging landscape! 


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